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LibreOffice Writer is an open-source word processor and publishing tool developed by LibreOffice. The software is available for free and provides its users with a full suite of features needed to create text documents ranging from a simple memo to a book with indexes and diagrams. Additionally, LibreOffice Writer can open and edit documents in different formats, such as DOC and DOCX. The software is accessible via Microsoft, Mac and Linux operating systems.

Url: libreoffice.org

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Libreoffice writer Alternatives

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    Microsoft Word

    • COMPANY:

      Microsoft Corporation

    • Start Date:


    • CEO:

      Satya Nadella

    • FOUNDER(S):

      Bill Gates, Paul Allen

    Microsoft Word is a word processing platform developed by Microsoft. The platform was first released in 1983 and quickly became the most used word processor in the world. Microsoft Word features a...

    Full Profile : Microsoft Word

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    Google Docs

    • COMPANY:

      Google Inc.

    • Start Date:


    • CEO:

      Sundar Pichai

    • FOUNDER(S):

      Larry Page, Sergey Brin

    Google Docs is a word processor powered by Google that is accesible through the web and through a mobile application. Since, Google Docs is available on the Cloud it allows users to edit a document...

    Full Profile : Google Docs

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    WPS Office Writer

    • COMPANY:

      Kingsoft Corporation Limited

    • Start Date:


    • CEO:

      Tao Zou

    • FOUNDER(S):

      Pak Kwan Kau

    WPS Office is a productivity office suite with a text, a presentation and a spreadsheet editing software. The suite was developed by Kingsoft, a Chinese software manufacturer, and is available for...

    Full Profile : WPS Office Writer

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